Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dawn Cometh

Birds tweeting in the trees
Golden rays
Grey changing verdant
Growling stomach
Hunger reminds me
I ate 10 hours ago
Coffe and a cigarette
Breakfast of champions
Tweet tweet
Tweet tweet
Arise country men
And women
Lets begin

Friday, January 1, 2010

Seeking Paradise

Isn't life just a long pursuit of happiness? Elysium. Tartarus is what we get though. And Hades. The Grim One himself. Keeper of dead souls. Lord of the Underworld.

Elysium is a place of dreams. Illusion. Escapism. Forgetfulness. Behave yourself and you may win yourself a place there. Hilarious. Live nightmares, dead dreams. Dreams to die for. Hahahaha.

It all seems extremely vain and meaningless sometimes. At others there is incredible clarity of purpose. Life is a terminal dis-ease I read somewhere. Tonight I look up beyond the Elysium moon with longing for something.