Friday, June 8, 2012

The Nigerian Abortion Debate

Although I am still unsure how a Bill for Women’s Reproductive and Sexual Health cam e to be The Abortion Bill, it has certainly brought attention to a controversial issue. Everybody has an opinion and everybody has a right to their opinion, even me.

Consider this scenario; a young married woman just graduated from university having faced the challenges of teenage pregnancy and marriage, studying, mothering 2 children, and being a wife. Things have been very tough for her and her husband financially, especially in the past year.

She’s preparing for Law School and looking forward to finishing and getting a job to help support the family. Then she finds out she’s pregnant. She thinks back over the past year; the low point was the day her babies went to bed hungry.

She married young because she got pregnant and didn’t have an abortion. Now she’s seriously considering it.

Despite resistance from conservatives and religious institutions decisions about abortion are not often based on the rigid morality they preach. Then again it also not exclusively about a woman’s right to choose, although I do believe she has the right.

Sometimes it’s a decision based on unfavorable environmental and economic conditions. The government should concentrate on eradicating the conditions that lead to pregnancies being unwanted or unwelcome.

There is only one way to save the family; there is no conservation effort that does not require a lot of money to implement and sustain; it is a fact that an organism that is not able to adapt to environmental conditions becomes extinct.

Only when it comes to the conservation of the human species which it has been shown thrives best in a nurturing and stable social environment do we try to use ideological coercion to compel behavior instead of changing the environmental conditions that create it.

The Church and all religions place emphasis on the soul and forget the words of the Man himself, Jesus the Christ when he replied the Pharisees question about whether an oath on the temple or the gold in the temple was better. He asked “The gold and the temple that makes the gold holy which is more important?” Go figure it out.

We must stop this knee jerk reaction to abortion. I was appalled to read no less than a distinguished former executive member of the Nigerian Medical Association saying that ‘no woman’s life is more important than the life growing inside her no matter what’. Well excuse me sir! I beg to disagree and point out not any one life is more important than another.

That abortion must be safe and available safely does not mean to suggest that it should be available indiscriminately or chosen as an option indiscriminately. Abortion is not an option only for ‘women of easy virtue’ or the ‘promiscuous’. It is a choice many ‘regular’ women, sweet mothers, good wives, loving daughters and quite a few ‘good men’ face at least once in their lives.

Like Daisy Danjuma, the sponsor of the very commendable Institute of Reproductive & Sexual Health bill, many elite women have ‘the opportunity’ to deliver safely and for that matter to have safe abortions when they need them. The elite women cannot afford to abandon the low income women for whom abortion remains a not only a crime, but an increasingly desperate and deadly one.

Last night as I watered the flowers in my garden I noticed that some melon seeds I had planted a couple week earlier had sprouted and needed to be thinned out. “I hate this part” I said to my friend that was standing there watching me, “I hate having to kill some of the plants just to let others live” but I have to in order to let them grow and yield abundantly.

In that moment it occurred to me that children are the same, they grow and yield best when they are optimally spaced and though we may hate having to ‘space them’ or even ‘thin them out’ sometimes it’s the only thing that makes sense. Some children are like fruits and some are like flowers, both are important in God’s garden, and so are the weeds; they are after all what keep us vigilant busy and appreciative.

Reproductive and sexual issues do have a place in our lives as human beings. Contraception, family planning and yes abortion all have a place in our lives. Which of you would allow a 10 year old victim of a brutal rape to bear the child she is carrying?

My friend breeds pedigree dog’s, she told me that she breeds her female dogs only twice to ensure the quality of their puppies. And of course they have these complex set of rules about in breeding and cross breeding.

I sometimes get the feeling that we treat animals better than our fellow human beings. Now I do not mean to suggest that we should treat human beings like animals, before some fundamentalist gets the wrong idea! I’m just drawing attention to some contradictions I see.

Makes me feel that the ‘morality’ of religion is more about judgment than common sense or even compassion, now isn’t that what Jesus Christ came to preach and teach about?

Are we more intent on passing judgment and punishing perceived offenders than helping them to sin no more? As He said to the Pharisees “He that is without sin should cast the first stone”

That young woman in the beginning was me. I was desperate. After much praying, soul searching and agonizing I decided to have an abortion. And then I had a miscarriage. I like to believe that God heard me.

Remain blessed and beloved

Lesley Gene Agams Esq.
Abuja, February 21, 2006

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